Although in the northern hemisphere there has been in fact a net increase in forested areas, on average globally at least 14 million hectares of forests are disappearing each year – especially in the tropics. That is an area larger than the size of Austria and Switzerland together. Especially dramatic is the disappearance of valuable old-growth forests. Globally, there is only two to three percent
natural forested lands left.
Every wristband has its own design and its own color. The wording on the band is targeted to each project and focus. There are altogether eight wristbands with eight different statements. The more you buy, the more you can of course support WWF projects. Not only that: Several bands on a wrist look rather nice!
Support WWF projects and show that everyone can be part of the change our planet needs.
Support WWF projects and show that we must act because there is no alternative.
Support WWF projects and get involved in saving endangered species.
Support WWF projects and get involved in saving our forests.
Support WWF projects and get involved in climate protection.
Support WWF projects and get involved in the protection of our coasts and oceans.
Support WWF projects and save the five most endangered species.
Support WWF projects and show that your are actively involved in saving our planet.
As a thank-you for your support.